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The G*Fit 28 Day Challenge is a 22-minute workout comprised of movements that build strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, and lean muscle. To this end, we believe that bungee training is the most effective resistance training method when it comes to burning fat and building LEAN muscle.




  1. Is safer on the joints. We can all work harder if there is less pain in the actual lift.​

  2. Allows you to build lean muscle while burning fat. Training with resistance bands allows for greater muscle fatigue used throughout the actual lift.

  3. Focuses on time rather than reps. Exercises will be performed in a time span of 15 seconds to 1 minute.


Improved quality of life

Fat loss

Weight loss

Increased muscle strength

Increased muscle tone

Increased muscle size

Increased functional movement

Injury prevention

fitness program options


Option 1
"28 Day Challenge"

4 Private Lessons

Personalized Program

Personalized Meal Plan

Unlimited Classes

Meal Replacements/

Protein Shakes

1 Video Workout

Option 2
"The Commitment"

12 Private Lessons

Personalized Portfolio

Personalized Meal Plan

Personalized Food Box

Meal Replacements/

Protein Shakes

1 Video Workout

Option 3
"The Program"

30 Private Lessons

Personalized Portfolio

Personalized Meal Plan

Personalized Food Box

Unlimited Classes

Meal Replacements/

Protein Shakes

4 Video Workouts

Option 4
"The Transformation"

60 Private Lessons

Personalized Portfolio

Personalized Meal Plan

Personalized Food Box

Unlimited Classes

Meal Replacements/

Protein Shakes

8 Video Workouts

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